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Aim at providing a fun filled and joyful learning experience so that the child can achieve success during the later period of their life.
The Bye-laws pertain to the general administration & functioning of theCoast Guard Kindergartens and short titled as 'CGKG Bye-laws.
The CGKG Bye-laws shall be applicable to the all existing Coast Guard Kindergartens functioning under administrative control of various stations/DHQs of Indian Coast Guard and those CGKGs which would be established in future. These Bye- laws can be amended, amplified or abridged by Coast Guard Headquarters without any prior notice and all such changes shall be binding on all concerned.
Want to say hello? Want to know more about us? Give us a call or drop us an email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Phone :
(02833) 256333/560
Mobile :
+91-878 013 1461
C/o ICGS Vadinar, Dist — Devbhoomi Dwarka — 361 010, (Gujarat), INDIA.
All Rights Reserved © 2024 by Coast Gaurd